Baked Goods

Hazelnut Coconut Oat BiscuitHazelnut Coconut Oat Biscuits are delicious treats made with a combination of hazelnuts, coconut, oats, and other ingredients. They offer a delightful blend of nutty flavors and textures, perfect for snacking or enjoying with a cup of tea or coffee.
Halloween Cup CakePumpkins, Bats, Owls, Spider Web. Green Orange and Purple. These are the easy and fun cupcakes to make at home for this fun festival!
Japanese Fluffy Swiss RollThe swiss roll with full of cream and refreshing fruits. This swiss roll doesn't require pre-rolling. It is moist and flexible. With the perfect temperature you will have a perfectly smooth cake surface.
Quiches LorraineA combination of a delicious flaky Pie Crust and savory egg custard that you will fall in love with! And kneading the pie dough could be a little tricky by hand, but with Thermomix it is just a few seconds.
Choux au CraquelinUsing the traditional way of doing Choux au Craquelin it required a few techniques, but with thermomix it is simple easy, quick and precisely melting the butter and heating up the dough.
Three Layers Purple LoafHave you ever tried using purple sweet potato in your baking? It was an interesting experience for me. Not only that the natural color of this purple sweet potato bread blew me away, but it also adds a unique sweetness to the bread. Here is the quick kneading and baking purple loaf using thermomix recipe.
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