Steamer Recipes

Steamed Herbal ChickenSteamed Herbal Chicken is valued not only for its delicious taste but also for its health benefits, as the combination of herbs and chicken is believed to have medicinal properties and be good for overall well-being. It is a dish that reflects the rich culinary heritage and traditional practices of Chinese cuisine.
Cantonese Style Steam Cod FishSteamed cod fish, particularly in the style of Hong Kong cuisine, offers a delicate, melt-in-your-mouth experience. Its natural sweetness requires minimal seasoning, allowing for the focus to be on a rich umami sauce.
Garlic Soy Glazed Steamed OkraGarlic Okra Steamed in Soy Sauce Glaze is a savory and aromatic dish that combines the fresh flavors of okra with the rich umami of soy sauce and the bold kick of garlic. Tender okra pieces are delicately steamed to preserve their natural texture and vibrant color. Meanwhile, a fragrant glaze made from soy sauce, garlic, and other seasonings infuses the dish with depth and complexity. The result is a harmonious blend of flavors and textures, where the subtle sweetness of the okra perfectly complements the savory notes of the soy sauce glaze. This dish is both satisfying and nutritious, making it a delightful addition to any meal.