
Savoury Hakka Tong Yuen (Savoury Tang Yuan Soup)Hakka tang yuan is a traditional Chinese dish that originates from the Hakka ethnic group, known for their distinctive cuisine. Tang yuan, in general, are glutinous rice flour balls often filled with sweet or savory fillings and served in a flavorful broth or syrup. However, the Hakka version of tang yuan typically involves savory fillings and is served in a hearty broth.
Crunchy Golden Tang Yuan (Glutinous Rice Balls)Crunchy golden tang yuan is a delightful twist on the traditional Chinese dessert, adding a crispy and flavorful coating to the tender and chewy glutinous rice balls. This recipe combines the richness of toasted peanuts, the sweetness of brown sugar, and the aromatic flavors of sesame seeds to create a truly satisfying treat.
Steamed Ginger Sesame Oil ChickenSteamed Ginger Sesame Oil Chicken is a traditional Chinese dish where chicken pieces are marinated with ginger, sesame oil, and other seasonings, then steamed until tender and flavorful. The ginger and sesame oil infuse the chicken with their aromatic and savory notes, resulting in a delicious and comforting dish that is popular in Chinese cuisine.
Steamed Silky Tofu with Crisp ShrimpsSteamed Silky Tofu with Crisp Shrimps offers a delightful fusion of textures and flavors. The tender tofu pairs beautifully with crispy fried shrimp, creating a satisfying contrast between soft and crunchy elements.
Pumpkin BarleyPumpkin Barley is a wholesome dish that's perfect for chilly days or as a side dish to complement your favorite main courses. It's packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making it a healthy and satisfying addition to your meal rotation.
Mango LassiMango Lassi is a delightful and creamy beverage that is perfect for hot summer days or as a refreshing accompaniment to spicy Indian meals. Its smooth texture and tropical flavor make it a favorite among both adults and children alike.
Teh Tarik (Pulled Milk Tea)Enjoy your homemade Teh Tarik, a delightful and comforting beverage that's perfect for any time of the day! Adjust the sweetness and frothiness according to your taste preferences to create the perfect cup of pulled milk tea.
Sour Plum Calamansi DrinkA Sour Plum Calamansi Drink is a refreshing and tangy beverage made from a combination of sour plums (ume or Chinese sour plums) and calamansi juice. It's a popular drink in some Asian countries, especially in places where calamansi, a small citrus fruit similar to a lime, is readily available.
Inti Kelapa (Sweet Coconut Filling)Inti Kelapa, also known as Sweet Coconut Filling, is a traditional Indonesian sweet filling made from grated coconut and palm sugar, cooked until thick and caramelized. It's commonly used as a filling for various Indonesian desserts such as onde-onde, klepon, and kue dadar, adding a deliciously sweet and fragrant coconut flavor to the treats.
Teriyaki SauceTeriyaki sauce is a versatile and flavorful Japanese condiment used in a variety of dishes, particularly in grilled or broiled meats, seafood, and vegetables. You can use it as a marinade for chicken, beef, pork, or tofu, or as a glaze for grilling or broiling. It adds a delicious sweet and savory flavor to your favorite dishes.
Oyakodon Donburi (Chicken & Egg Rice Bowl)Try Oyakodon Donburi, a flavorful chicken and egg rice bowl. This easy-to-follow recipe combines marinated chicken thighs, light soy sauce, mirin, and white pepper, all served over steamed rice and topped with a savory egg sauce. Perfect for a quick and satisfying meal, Oyakodon Donburi is a must-try for Japanese cuisine enthusiasts.
Steamed Chicken with Cordyceps Flowers 蟲草花蒸雞Discover the delicious and nutritious dish of Steamed Chicken with Cordyceps Flowers. This traditional Chinese recipe combines tender steamed chicken with the health-boosting properties of Cordyceps flowers. Experience the delicate flavors and benefits of this culinary delight. Perfect for a wholesome and satisfying meal.
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