Steam mincemeat cabbage rolls are a hearty and comforting dish made by wrapping seasoned minced meat filling in blanched cabbage leaves and steaming them until tender. This dish is beloved for its simplicity, wholesome flavors, and satisfying texture. With its simplicity and deliciousness, it’s the perfect choice when you’re in need of a quick and satisfying meal


  • Nutritious and Balanced: Cabbage rolls are packed with nutritious ingredients like cabbage, carrots, and minced meat, providing essential vitamins, minerals, and protein in a single dish.
  • Versatile: This recipe offers versatility in terms of ingredients and flavors. You can customize the filling with your favorite meats, vegetables, and seasonings to suit your taste preferences.
  • Comforting and Satisfying: Cabbage rolls are a classic comfort food that’s hearty and satisfying. The combination of tender cabbage leaves and savory meat filling creates a comforting meal that’s perfect for any occasion.
  • Great for Sharing: Cabbage rolls are often made in batches, making them ideal for sharing with family and friends during gatherings or potluck dinners.
  • Easy to Prepare: While cabbage rolls may seem intricate, they are relatively simple to prepare with basic cooking techniques. The step-by-step instructions provided ensure that even beginner cooks can successfully make this dish.
  • Healthy Option: Cabbage is low in calories and high in fiber, making it a great choice for those looking to incorporate more vegetables into their diet. Additionally, the filling can be made with lean meats and minimal added fats for a healthier meal option.
  • Rich in Flavor: The combination of ingredients in cabbage rolls results in a dish that’s rich in flavor and aroma. From the savory meat filling to the tender cabbage leaves and aromatic spices, each bite offers a burst of deliciousness.
  • Customizable: You can easily adapt the recipe to accommodate dietary restrictions or personal preferences. Whether you prefer vegetarian cabbage rolls, gluten-free options, or specific seasoning blends, there are endless possibilities for customization.

Overall, cabbage rolls are a wholesome, flavorful, and satisfying dish that’s sure to become a favorite in your recipe repertoire. Whether enjoyed as a cozy family dinner or a special occasion meal, cabbage rolls are bound to delight your taste buds and bring joy to your table.


Ingredient quantities please refer to the recipes card (Click here)!

  • Napa Cabbage Leaves – Napa cabbage leaves are commonly used for wrapping the filling due to their large, pliable leaves. They have a mild flavor and tender texture. You can use regular green cabbage leaves if Napa cabbage is not available. Alternatively, Swiss chard leaves or grape leaves can also be used.
  • Carrot – Carrots add sweetness and color to the filling. They are finely chopped or grated to blend well with the minced meat. You can substitute grated zucchini, bell peppers, or finely chopped celery for carrots.
  • Garlic – Garlic adds aromatic flavor to the filling and complements the savory notes of the meat. You can use garlic powder or garlic paste as substitutes for fresh garlic cloves.
  • Minced Meat (Beef, Pork, or a Combination): Minced meat serves as the main protein component of the filling. It provides richness and substance to the cabbage rolls. You can use ground turkey, chicken, lamb, or even plant-based alternatives like lentils or mushrooms for a vegetarian version.
  • White Pepper Powder – White pepper adds subtle heat and flavor to the filling without altering its appearance. Black pepper can be used as a substitute for white pepper if unavailable.
  • Sesame Oil – Sesame oil adds nutty flavor and aroma to the filling, enhancing its overall taste. You can substitute toasted sesame oil or other flavorful oils like olive oil or peanut oil.
  • Soy Sauce – Soy sauce provides savory umami flavor and adds depth to the filling. Tamari or coconut aminos can be used as gluten-free substitutes for soy sauce.
  • Oyster Sauce – Oyster sauce adds richness and depth of flavor to the filling. Hoisin sauce or vegetarian oyster sauce can be used as substitutes for oyster sauce.
  • Salt – Salt enhances the flavor of the filling and helps season the ingredients. You can use sea salt or kosher salt as substitutes for table salt.
  • Goji Berries (for Garnish) – Goji berries add a touch of sweetness and visual appeal to the cabbage rolls. You can omit goji berries or use other dried fruits like raisins or currants for garnish.

These ingredients come together to create flavorful and satisfying cabbage rolls. Feel free to experiment with different substitutions to suit your taste preferences or dietary restrictions.


  • Select Fresh Cabbage: Choose fresh and firm cabbage heads with tightly packed leaves. Avoid cabbages with wilted or discolored leaves.
  • Blanch Cabbage Leaves Properly: Blanch the cabbage leaves in boiling water for a few minutes until they are softened but still pliable. This makes them easier to roll without tearing.
  • Remove Tough Stems: Trim the tough stems from the base of the cabbage leaves to ensure they roll up smoothly and evenly.
  • Season the Filling Well: Season the minced meat filling generously with salt, pepper, and other seasonings to enhance its flavor. Taste and adjust the seasoning as needed before rolling.
  • Evenly Distribute Filling: Distribute the filling evenly along the center of each cabbage leaf to ensure uniformity in flavor and texture throughout the rolls.
  • Roll Tightly: Roll the cabbage leaves tightly around the filling to prevent them from unraveling during cooking. Tuck in the sides of the leaves as you roll to create neat and compact rolls.
  • Choose a Flavorful Sauce: Prepare a flavorful sauce to accompany the cabbage rolls. It can be tomato-based, broth-based, or creamy, depending on your preference.
  • Use a Steamer or Oven: Steam the cabbage rolls in a steamer basket or bake them in the oven until they are cooked through and tender. Ensure they are not overcrowded during cooking to allow even heat distribution.
  • Rest Before Serving: Allow the cabbage rolls to rest for a few minutes after cooking to allow the flavors to meld together. This also makes them easier to handle when serving.

By following these tips, you can create delicious and perfectly cooked cabbage rolls that are sure to be a hit with your family and friends!


Full recipes and Thermomix® instructions please refer to the recipes card (Click here)!

Step 1: Prepare the Cabbage Leaves
  1. Remove the tough outer leaves from the cabbage head.
  2. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.
  3. Blanch the cabbage leaves in the boiling water for 2-3 minutes until they become soft and pliable.
  4. Remove the leaves and place them on a clean kitchen towel to cool.
Step 2: Prepare the Filling
  1. Finely chop or grate the carrot and mince the garlic.
  2. In a bowl, combine the minced meat, chopped carrot, minced garlic, white pepper powder, sesame oil, soy sauce, oyster sauce, and salt.
  3. Mix the ingredients until well combined.
Step 3: Assemble the Cabbage Rolls
  1. Take a cabbage leaf and place a portion of the filling near the stem end.
  2. Roll the leaf tightly around the filling, tucking in the sides as you roll to form a neat package.
  3. Repeat with the remaining cabbage leaves and filling.
Step 4: Steam the Cabbage Rolls
  1. Place the cabbage rolls in a steamer basket or pot with a little water at the bottom.
  2. Cover the pot with a lid and steam the rolls over medium heat for about 10-15 minutes until the cabbage is tender and the filling is cooked through.
Step 5: Prepare the Sauce (Optional)
  1. In a small saucepan, combine soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, sesame oil, corn starch, and water.
  2. Cook the sauce over medium heat, stirring constantly until it thickens.
Step 6: Serve
  1. Once the cabbage rolls are cooked, remove them from the steamer.
  2. Serve the cabbage rolls hot, drizzled with the prepared sauce if desired.
  3. Garnish with goji berries for added flavor and visual appeal.


Cabbage rolls pair well with a variety of side dishes that complement their flavors and textures. Here are some options to consider:

  • Mashed Potatoes: Creamy mashed potatoes provide a comforting and hearty accompaniment to cabbage rolls. They help balance the flavors and add a satisfying element to the meal.
  • Steamed Vegetables: Serve steamed vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, or green beans to add color, nutrition, and freshness to the meal. Steamed vegetables offer a light contrast to the richness of the cabbage rolls.
  • Cucumber Salad: A refreshing cucumber salad dressed with vinegar, olive oil, and herbs adds a crisp and tangy element to the meal. The acidity of the salad helps cut through the richness of the cabbage rolls.
  • Rice or Quinoa: Serve fluffy rice or quinoa as a side dish to soak up the delicious juices from the cabbage rolls. Rice or quinoa provides a filling and nutritious addition to the meal.
  • Crusty Bread: Freshly baked crusty bread or dinner rolls are perfect for soaking up the sauce from the cabbage rolls. They add a delightful texture and make the meal more satisfying.
  • Pickles: Pickles, such as dill pickles or sauerkraut, offer a zesty and tangy flavor that pairs well with cabbage rolls. They provide a refreshing contrast and add depth to the meal.
  • Herbs and Garnishes: Fresh herbs like parsley, dill, or cilantro can be used as garnishes to add brightness and freshness to the dish. Sprinkle chopped herbs over the cabbage rolls before serving for an extra burst of flavor.

These side dishes help create a well-rounded and satisfying meal when served alongside cabbage rolls. Choose a combination of sides based on your preferences and enjoy a delicious and wholesome dining experience.


You can prepare cabbage rolls ahead of time and store them for later consumption. Here are some made-ahead instructions for cabbage rolls:

Preparing Cabbage Rolls in Advance:
  1. Assembly: Follow the steps to prepare and assemble the cabbage rolls as instructed in the recipe.
  2. Storage: Once assembled, place the cabbage rolls in an airtight container or a baking dish lined with parchment paper.
  3. Refrigeration: Store the cabbage rolls in the refrigerator for up to 1-2 days before cooking.
Cooking Instructions:
  1. Steam: When ready to cook, remove the cabbage rolls from the refrigerator.
  2. Steaming: Place the cabbage rolls in a steamer basket or pot with a little water at the bottom.
  3. Steam Time: Steam the rolls over medium heat for about 10-12 minutes or until the cabbage is tender and the filling is cooked through.
  1. Once the cabbage rolls are cooked, remove them from the steamer.
  2. Serve the cabbage rolls hot, and if desired, drizzle them with the prepared sauce or garnish with goji berries.
  3. Pair the cabbage rolls with your favorite side dishes, such as mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables, or a crisp salad.

By following these made-ahead instructions, you can save time and effort by preparing the cabbage rolls in advance and enjoying a delicious meal with minimal last-minute preparation.


  1. Refrigeration: Allow the cabbage rolls to cool completely before storing them.
  2. Airtight Container: Place the cabbage rolls in an airtight container or wrap them tightly in aluminum foil.
  3. Refrigerator: Store the cabbage rolls in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days.
  1. Cooling: Ensure the cabbage rolls are completely cooled before freezing.
  2. Freezer Bags or Containers: Place the cabbage rolls in airtight freezer bags or containers.
  3. Labeling: Label the bags or containers with the date of freezing.
  4. Freezer Life: Cabbage rolls can be stored in the freezer for up to 2-3 months.
  1. Thawing: If frozen, thaw the cabbage rolls overnight in the refrigerator before reheating.
  2. Stovetop Method: Place the cabbage rolls in a saucepan with a little water or broth to prevent sticking. Cover and heat over medium heat until warmed through, stirring occasionally.
  3. Microwave Method: Place individual cabbage rolls on a microwave-safe plate and cover with a damp paper towel. Microwave on high for 1-2 minutes or until heated through.
  4. Check Temperature: Ensure the internal temperature of the cabbage rolls reaches at least 165°F (74°C) for food safety.
  1. Once reheated, serve the cabbage rolls immediately.
  2. Pair them with your favorite side dishes and sauces for a complete meal.
  3. Garnish with fresh herbs or additional sauce, if desired.

By following these storage and reheating guidelines, you can enjoy delicious cabbage rolls with minimal effort and ensure they remain flavorful and safe to consume.


Can I use a different type of cabbage?

Yes, you can use different types of cabbage based on availability and personal preference. While Napa cabbage is commonly used for cabbage rolls, you can also use green cabbage, Savoy cabbage, or even Swiss chard leaves as substitutes.

Can I make cabbage rolls vegetarian?

Absolutely! You can make vegetarian cabbage rolls by substituting the minced meat with ingredients like cooked rice, lentils, mushrooms, quinoa, or a mixture of vegetables such as carrots, bell peppers, and onions.

How do I prevent the cabbage rolls from falling apart during cooking?

To prevent cabbage rolls from falling apart, make sure to blanch the cabbage leaves until they are soft and pliable before rolling. Additionally, roll the cabbage leaves tightly around the filling and place them seam-side down in the cooking vessel to help them hold their shape.

Can I freeze cabbage rolls?

Yes, you can freeze cabbage rolls for future use. Once assembled, place the cabbage rolls in an airtight container or freezer bags, separating the layers with parchment paper to prevent sticking. Label the container with the date and store in the freezer for up to 2-3 months.

How do I reheat frozen cabbage rolls?

To reheat frozen cabbage rolls, thaw them overnight in the refrigerator. Then, you can reheat them in the oven, stovetop, or microwave until heated through. Make sure the internal temperature reaches 165°F (74°C) for food safety.

Can I make cabbage rolls ahead of time?

Yes, you can prepare cabbage rolls ahead of time and store them in the refrigerator for up to 1-2 days before cooking. You can also freeze them for longer storage. Simply follow the assembly instructions, then refrigerate or freeze until ready to cook.

What sauces go well with cabbage rolls?

Cabbage rolls can be served with a variety of sauces, including tomato sauce, gravy or a sweet and sour sauce. Choose a sauce that complements the flavors of the filling and enhances the overall dish.

Can I adjust the portion size of the recipes?

Yes, you can. If you can find the exact portion that you like, you can, also, adjust this in manual mode. Make sure that the cooking times and temperatures have been adjusted for different quantities of ingredients. Steaming time may be different than in the original recipe. Please do not pass the max line indicated inside of the mixing bowl. The capacity of the mixing bowl is 2.2 liters.

This recipes is compatible with which model of Thermomix®?

This recipes suitable for TM31 / TM5 / TM6



If you’ve made this recipe or any recipes from my site, please tag on Instagram using #villetttkitchen! You can also tag me in your Instagram stories using @villettt. I always love to see your creations!


Steam Mincemeat Cabbage Rolls

Category, , , , DifficultyBeginner

Steam mincemeat cabbage rolls are a hearty and comforting dish made by wrapping seasoned minced meat filling in blanched cabbage leaves and steaming them until tender. This dish is beloved for its simplicity, wholesome flavors, and satisfying texture.

Prep Time20 minsCook Time30 minsTotal Time50 mins

Yields10 Servings

 10 napa cabbage leaves
 30 g carrot
 15 g garlic
 300 g mince meat
 ¼ tsp white pepper powder
 5 g sesame oil
 30 g soy sauce
 15 g oyster sauce
 ¼ tsp salt
 10 goji berries
 5 g soy sauce
 5 g oyster sauce
 ¼ tsp sugar
 ½ tsp sesame oil
 1 tsp corn starch
 2 tsp water


Tear the entire Napa cabbage from the whole cabbage. Rinse the cabbage thoroughly. Cut off and discard the bottom part, approximately 1cm from the curved and tough root. Reserve the whole cabbage leaves for later use. Place the cut-out bottom part of the cabbage, carrot and garlic into the Thermomix® mixing bowl. Chop for 5 sec | Speed 5 using the Thermomix®.


Put minced meat, white pepper, sesame oil, soy sauce, oyster sauce, and salt into the main bowl, mix for 5 sec | Speed 5 . Pour the mixture into a bowl and set aside.


Add water to the main bowl, place a steaming tray, and add napa cabbage leaves to the steaming tray. Cover with the steaming lid and steam for 12 min | Varoma | Speed 1.


Once the napa cabbage leaves have cooled, divide the seasoned minced meat into 10 portions. Spread each portion onto a napa cabbage leaf, roll it up from the white edge, fold in the sides, and continue rolling until sealed. Place on a steaming plate and repeat for all meat rolls. Decorate each rolls with 1 goji berries.


Set up the steaming tray with the cabbage-wrapped meat rolls and steam for 15 min | Varoma | Speed 1. Meanwhile, cook the sauce with all the ingredients in a pan. Serve the cabbage with your sauce.


 10 napa cabbage leaves
 30 g carrot
 15 g garlic
 300 g mince meat
 ¼ tsp white pepper powder
 5 g sesame oil
 30 g soy sauce
 15 g oyster sauce
 ¼ tsp salt
 10 goji berries
 5 g soy sauce
 5 g oyster sauce
 ¼ tsp sugar
 ½ tsp sesame oil
 1 tsp corn starch
 2 tsp water



Tear the entire Napa cabbage from the whole cabbage. Rinse the cabbage thoroughly. Cut off and discard the bottom part, approximately 1cm from the curved and tough root. Reserve the whole cabbage leaves for later use. Place the cut-out bottom part of the cabbage, carrot and garlic into the Thermomix® mixing bowl. Chop for 5 sec | Speed 5 using the Thermomix®.


Put minced meat, white pepper, sesame oil, soy sauce, oyster sauce, and salt into the main bowl, mix for 5 sec | Speed 5 . Pour the mixture into a bowl and set aside.


Add water to the main bowl, place a steaming tray, and add napa cabbage leaves to the steaming tray. Cover with the steaming lid and steam for 12 min | Varoma | Speed 1.


Once the napa cabbage leaves have cooled, divide the seasoned minced meat into 10 portions. Spread each portion onto a napa cabbage leaf, roll it up from the white edge, fold in the sides, and continue rolling until sealed. Place on a steaming plate and repeat for all meat rolls. Decorate each rolls with 1 goji berries.


Set up the steaming tray with the cabbage-wrapped meat rolls and steam for 15 min | Varoma | Speed 1. Meanwhile, cook the sauce with all the ingredients in a pan. Serve the cabbage with your sauce.

Steam Mincemeat Cabbage Rolls

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